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Winter CSA Custom Choice Box, February 22

This bundle is available only to our Winter CSA Members. Please make your selections to a point total of 35 points.

Winter CSA Custom Choice Box (Choose Up to 35 Points)

QtyPointsProductPackageTotal Points
1.00Garlic1 head
1.00Red Onion1 Onion
4.00Green Cabbage1 head
5.00Carrots2 pound bag
5.00Carrots5 pounds seconds
8.00Garlic1 pound
4.00Red Beets2 pound bag
6.00Organic apples2 pounds apples
3.00Shallots1 pound bag
3.50Autumn Frost Squash1 squash
3.50Rutabaga2 pounds
4.00Pea Shoots Microgreens1 container
3.00Garlic0.5 pound
7.50Garlic2 pounds "seconds"
7.00Parsnips2 pound bag
4.00Radish Mix Microgreens2 oz. container
3.50Watermelon Radishes1 pound
5.00Mixed small potatoes2 pounds
5.00Seconds Saucing Apples5 pound bag
8.00Seconds Saucing Apples10 pound bag
3.50Daikon Radish2 pound bag
You have selected products that have more points than allowed.

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