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Liberty Apple Trees

Kingfisher Farm

1 bare-root tree for pick up in April = $35.00 + $0.00 Assembly

Liberty is an outstanding disease resistant apple tree. It is the backbone of most organic orchards. The apples are multi-use, great eating out of hand, good for cooking, outstanding for cider. Liberty ripens in September. It is a completely scab-immune apple, meaning there is no need to spray for this most common of all apple diseases.

Our Liberty trees are on a Geneva-210 root stock, developed by Dr. James Cummins at Cornell University. This is an awesome rootstock that confers resistance to fireblight, another bane of organic growers. G-210 is a free-standing tree about 60% the size of a traditional apple tree -- easy management!

PLEASE SELECT: "Nursery Tree Orders" FOR YOUR LOCATION AND SPECIFY IN THE NOTES IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PICK UP AT 3361 South St., Clinton or 9035 Grange Hill Road, New Hartford.

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